Daycare, how to choose the good one?

Daycare, how to choose the good one?

Daycare, how to choose a good one? If you landed here, you are probably asking yourself a tons of questions like: how do I know if I am making the right decision? Can I trust them? What questions should I ask? What documents will they provide? It is probably the first time you are going to have to trust a complete stranger with your precious baby! THE PRESSURE IS ON! Allow me to share my experience with it to ease your process!

Let me set the narrative frist! I wasn’t raised in this country, so no family to rely on and my friends either don’t have kids or have babies younger than mine so no one to really ask advice to…So I searched the web (just like your doing) but felt often overwhelmed with the number of advices and lists of things to do! So I will keep this as simple as possible!

First things first, don’t hesitate to talk about it around you!

Who knows, your single friend may know someone that is actually working in the childcare industry! If this is the case you just hit the jackpot! Is is definitely easier to trust someone that someone you know knows! So ask around for recommendations!

And you may be surprised, my boss who has kids that are already adults had actually really good advice to share!

Request an interview with the childcare owner/manager and don’t be afraid to ask questions!

I linked below some interesting websites and blogs that gives you an idea of some questions you may want to ask! I would recommend you to write down your questions and show up to the interview with it! Keep in mind that if it is your first child, this process is a first for you but it is not these childcare facilities owners and managers first rodeo! You don’t want them to tell you want you want to hear but what the place you are visiting is actually like!

Ask to visit each room and space your child will have access to.

Where will your kid sleep, play, eat, will get changed? This will not only allow you to make sure every space is safe but it will ease your mind once you leave your kid there. It is easier to imagine your kid going thought his day when you have a visual of the space he/she will interact in.

Take your time to make a decision

Don’t fall in for the “hurry up to make a decision and pay the admission fee to secure your child a spot. I have many parents interested”

Licenses, permits, documents.

Each states have they own regulations but don’t forget this part! Make sure the quota Adult per kids is respected. Ask for background check, ask to see the actual license. Make sure you sign documents.

Here you will find some information that our current day care asked us to fill out that I found interesting: (Because it was not the case everywhere we went)

  • Can your child roll from back to belly and belly to back on its own?
  • Emergency contacts – Parents and an additional contact in the case parents are not responding
  • Who is allowed to pick up your child from the facilities?
  • Is your child sleeping in a crib or a cot?
  • When and how long your child should nap during our care?
  • Allergies, special dietary
  • other information that you would like to share

This list is non exhaustive but it gives you an idea of some of the things that the person caring for your child should be aware of.

A good day care should be able to accommodate the needs of each child and family’s (reasonably) and not promote a “same treatment for all” kind of care in my opinion! Dont fall for a facilitie that will not listen to you or provide any good communication!

Other valuable source of information:

Good signs of a daycare by Baby Center:

Find your state gouvernemental ressources:

Good luck!


Emilie & you Instagram feed:

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